Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

What does an umbrella comparison service do?

It’s simple – we professionally vet umbrella companies to ensure everything is above board and we try to find the best fit for you.

How much do umbrella companies typically cost?

Fees can cost as little as £10 per week. All of the umbrella companies that we vet have transparent costing with no hidden extras and do not charge an exit fee.

How do you professionally vet the umbrella companies?

Through a combination of our own initial research, the testimonials of current clients and the PSLs of recruitment companies. We constantly monitor who is on our panel to maintain the integrity of our platform.

Why do contractors utilise umbrella companies?

They are the most time and cost effective approach to working as a contractor. No company running costs and no responsibilities. Access to employee statutory benefits: sick pay, maternity pay and state pension.

What should you consider when choosing an umbrella company?

Take into consideration: fees, your agency’s PSL, ease of access to contact if you have queries.

Why do you need my personal details?

Your details are used to contact you with your comparison results. We understand the importance of data safety – your data will never be sold or used for unsolicited contact.

What industries do you work with?

Umbrella Tracker can help match umbrella companies for contractors working in the IT sector, healthcare and medical sector, social care sector as well as oil & gas and renewable energy, to name just a few.

How often do you update your recommended umbrella companies

The umbrella companies we recommend to clients is constantly monitored to ensure you only work with the most reliable, professional, and reliable businesses.

How often do you update your recommended umbrella companies

The umbrella companies we recommend to clients is constantly monitored to ensure you only work with the most reliable, professional, and reliable businesses.

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